Thursday, June 12, 2008

Emma Watson Opens A Crisp Factory

It seems like history is repeating itself and once again Harry Potter actress Miss. Watson's copy cat skills have prevailed. Because this time, on hearing that fellow actor Radders had got his hands on a brand new spanking crisp factory, she too went along to her local factory seller and bought one. "Two can play at that game!" The posh and slightly slutty millionaire said "And my crisps are going to be in the shape of my naked body so obviously everyone is going to want them!" As an excuse to see Daniel, I went to ask him his opinion on the goings on. " Oh pleaseeeee." He laughed "If anyone wanted to see her naked body, they could just look on the Internet. There are pics of her bear skinny ass and no existent boobs all over it! Buy my crisps they are good quality and children friendly!" Stand clear, looks like this is set to be yet another Radcliffe V Watson battle.
The story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.
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